Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Crafty Side

The past couple of months have been strange for me. Nothing out-of-the-ordinary...I was just in a funk. You know how those go. Mostly, I was struggling to find peace with my job. My jobs (in order of importance):
Follower of Christ

Wife to Ryan

Mom to Evie, Ella, Hero (our dog! Dog owners know how that goes...)

Part-time Receptionist

Worship Leader & Pastor's Wife

And not to leave out, friend, daughter, sister...you get the idea!

Well, my stuggle was coming from the part-time receptionist role. I was finding myself quite overwhelmed trying to find enough time in my day to get everything done (and do it well - that's the OCD in me!) The balance of fitting this job into my already full life was seeming to be a HUGE challenge for me. I've since been able to sorta "grow out" of the growing pains of the job (I've had it for almost 9 months now, you'd think this would have happened a long time ago! Anyways...)

During this season of discomfort, as I questioned if I would be able to stay at this job, I found myself trying to discover within myself other ways I could bring home some bacon. ;) And here's what I came up with. At this point, nothing is going to take the place of my secure job, BUT, for now, I'm enjoying my crafty side!

I even opened up an Etsy store! It's been fun. Except when I burned two fingers with the hot glue gun...we'll save that story for another time & place! Ha!


  1. Love it! Em, those are beautiful. :) Crafting always calms me down and is a great de-stresser for me. I'm on my way to check out your shop now. <3

  2. So excited to see where your creative side takes you my friend!!
