Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bloom - Take 2

I've never been much for New Year's resolutions. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I never stuck with them when I did start them, so I gave up all together?! This year, I surprisingly find myself inspired to resolve to something as 2012 approaches! I have actually felt the Lord whispering it to me over the past few months and I've just sorta been soaking in. Now, I find myself so excited by it. I find a bit of freedom and release when I think about it. I write this post today because this resolution, while it is applicable to every aspect of my life, I feel a real push for it to be my "music motto".
My New Year's Resolution:

The Scripture at the bottom (in case it's hard to read) is paraphrased from Col. 3:16-17, The Message)
"...Sing, sing your heart out to God! Let every detail of your life
--words, actions, whatever--
be done in the name of the Master, Jesus,
thanking God the Father every step of the way."

Don't go looking for that "big break", always hoping to be discovered. Bloom where you're planted. Right where you are-right now. Be satisfied with ministering to the people God has placed around you. They love, support and appreciate you already!
Think LOCALLY...your own church, coffee shops, community events, nursing homes, worship team. I truly believe that when we are satisfied with what we already have, then, God will (if He desires), "enlarge our borders" and move us into a new season of ministry!
Happy New Year - may 2012 be FULL of amazing surprises as you strive to BLOOM WHERE GOD HAS PLANTED YOU!



  1. Locally...sounds good to me! Is family included in this list too. ;) Love you & I can't wait to see how God uses you this year.
